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those look great!

i have some 'drunken ume' that will probably not get used up...would you like them? i can probably send them via kuroneko. then you can try making some this year. :)


hi! do you know if we can buy ume fruits in the USA? i called several japanese yasai markets but they don't have it or only have them in jars. I really want to make them, but would probably settle for just the jams. if only you could sell what you make. :) love your blog btw!


That looks beautiful! I tried ume jam a very long time ago, and this just made me think that it would work beautifully with ham and a slice of cheese, (call me weird). I did my first Seville orange marmalade this Feb and it refused to set. You did well on your first go!


after i finish drinking the previous years umeshu i just pit the umes and mash and boil with some of the leftover rock sugar from the umeshu making. so easy!

also i wanted to ask...you are very knowledgeable about plants, fruits, and vegetables. do you have previous knowledge of these subjects or do you research before your posts? either way i am always impressed and always learn something new! thanks!


To illahee:

You can find ume in the United States! This year, ume were available at many Japanese supermarkets in California. Another option is to grow a flowering apricot (prunus mume) tree in your back yard.

After reading the umeshu post on this blog, I set out to make some of my own (thanks for the inspiration!). I was lucky enough to find some fairly green ume in a Japanese market. After mentioning this to a friend, she discovered that she had three of the flowering apricot trees in her yard. By that time, it was a bit late to make umeshu from her apricots (they were too ripe), but I used some of them for jam. It turned out quite well.

If you have any Japanese markets near you, I'd suggest checking them for ume around the beginning of June. Good luck. :)


Illahee, thanks for the offer! But without enough jars or lids to make proper jam and without the fridge/freezer space to store the ume I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I wonder if any other readers would be interested?

Kinmei, check out Holly's post. I don't know where in the US you are, but maybe if you kept looking you might eventually find them. I wish I could send you some jam, but I've never found a good way to send jams through the mail--so far they've always arrived unset.

Kharina, that doesn't sound weird at all. This would definitely go with ham or savory food. In fact I made a sauce for lamb last week with green ume jam that a student made me, and it went wonderfully.

Saltie, are umeshu ume easy to pit? As for my knowledge of the plant world, I've been here for over 12 years so have naturally learned quite a bit. Food, flowers and gardening is also a favourite subject for my students, so I pick up lots from them. And finally, yes I do quite a bit of research before I post. That's actually one of my favourite things about blogging--I learn so much while doing research.

Thanks for the tip Holly! So ume trees are called flowering apricot in the US? That's good to know!


People who buy flowering apricot trees here are told that the fruits are strictly "ornamental" and not to be eaten due to their toxicity. Little do they know that great things can be done with the fruit.

My friend did not realize that she had trees bearing ume until she saw the umeshu post on your blog. After a little more research (yay for wikipedia) we figured out that flowering apricot = ume. Needless to say, she and her family are quite excited.

Now, what to do with all of this fruit? :)


Nice to meet you! Wow~ you are awesome! I have never made jam by myself...When I saw your pictures and recipe , I am getting to want to make my own jam:)



you can even find ume here in Michigan, although a small bag is pretty pricey.

The jam looks wonderful! Great pics, as usual.


*giggle* i'm in japan, so i don't need to know about getting ume in the US. but thanks for the tips. ;)


Gomen, Illahee. I should have looked more carefully at who posted the comments. The question about ume in the US was from Kimmei.


Holly, it's such a shame to think of all that fruit going to waste! Other than umeshu and jam, people use the fruit for umeboshi (salt-pickled), "ume sour" (seeping the fruit in vinegar and a little sugar to make a sour health tonic) and ume juice (the fruit is covered with sugar, with a little alcohol or vinegar added, and steeped).

Thank you Cherry!

AC, very good to know you can buy the fruit in Michigan. Thanks!

And yup, Illahee was the one looking to get rid of her ume! Too bad takkyubin only works in Japan--it would be great if you could send them chakubarai to some lucky person overseas!


Quince is another fruit with very high pectin. I've only made quince honey with it (another compote-y thing, I guess), but apparently quince jelly is very easy to make.


this ume jam looks great.

i made something similar with a bag of red and yellow ume. the fruit was boiled with water to cover for 15 min. after it cooled a bit, i removed the stones by hand, squeezing to release any flesh. (like you, though i didn't drain the water.) the mixture was then pureed, and returned to the pan with a bag of brown sugar. though i did splash in a little pectin, it was completely unnecessary in retrospect.

i ordered jam jars from here: http://www.shinkoen.co.jp/life-shop/index.html. though they were sterilized and sealed in a water bath, you can't hear them seal... but they appear to be ok.


I made ume jam recently and had good luck removing the flesh from the pits by pressing/cutting it off with my chef's knife and then using a wooden spoon to press the still-fleshy pits against the sides of a metal strainer (though actually, I didn't get too much more fruit off the pits by doing this, so it probably wouldn't matter much if you skipped the last step)


I made mikan marmalade twice in the new year. It set perfectly the first time and the second time I had to use it as mikan syrup (which is great btw).
I am going to make momo jam in the next little while.


This looks absolutely delicious. I made quince jelly last year (for the first time too) and this recipe reminds me a lot of that. It also was not overly sweet and I just loved it.
Great, great blog! :)


Awesome pictorial recipe!
I shall have to try a Ume jam -refrigerator type using pectin from the market.

I love ume on just about everything!

We grow the Watahira brand Ume plums for primarily the Asian distributors as well as local Korean ume plum wine makers.

I use ume to make Ume Vinegar, Ume Wine, Ume Soju, Ume-boshi, dried Ume-Shisho, etc...

Anne @ Pink Galoshes

This sounds delicious.

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